Saturday, August 31, 2019

I’m the King of the Castle Essay

Qn: In her after word, the writer talks about â€Å"the evil – for I think I evil-of Hooper†. What do you think the novel says about the nature of evil in people? In my perspective, I do not believe that people are born evil. â€Å"Evil† is undisputedly an arbitrary term whereby different people have different scope of what evil is. Susan Hill’s definition of â€Å"evil† is that of Hooper -being sadistic and afflicting harm in others, as seen in Hooper. Yet, I feel that Hill’s definition of â€Å"evil† is rather cynical and biased. Hill should not even relate Hooper to â€Å"evil† in the first place, as the child is still growing up and does not know how to differentiate between good and bad, and the fact that he does not receive any love and care sort of make him an â€Å"emotionless† person. Thus purely describing him as evil is somewhat biased. I think better adjectives to describe him are probably contumacious and unfeeling. In my essay, I’ll first prove that Hooper’s cruelty is due to his lack of fundamental love and care and that it is due to some circumstances that drove him to be who he is. Secondly, I’ll prove that Hooper cannot be really blamed for his evilness, and lastly, I’ll counter opposing arguments put across and further reinforce on my motion. Firstly, the fact that Hooper is cruel cannot be denied. Yet, one must take into consideration that it is the environment and external influences that led him to be evil. Hooper is born into a dysfunctional family. His mother died when he was very young, and that deprived him of mother-love, which is often thought to be very important and influential during a child’s growing phase. In addition, Hooper’s situation is made worse due to lack of father’s care and understanding. Hooper is thus deprived of any love and care, which any other normal child would have gotten. Thus, he could only turn to being evil, probably to attract attention from his only kin, which is his father. Hooper’s hostile attitude towards Kingshaw indeed makes readers feel indignant. However, the crucial point here, which I feel, is why Hooper is so mean towards Kingshaw. It is a fact that all living beings need companionship. Hooper’s cruelty towards Kingshaw could be a way he shows affection. Well, we never know for sure how some people choose to show affection. And cruelty could be how Hooper chooses to show. Furthermore, Hooper has never ever experienced the true feeling of love and care. So most probably, he doesn’t know anything about love. So, that explains why he thinks cruelty is a form of affection. Taking for instance the case of ailing pets. Veterinarians and pet lovers, in a bid to stop their precious pets from suffering more pain, put them to sleep. This, irrefutable, is a cruel thing, but it is a way pet lover show their affection towards their pets. Now, are their actions really evil and inhumane? I, basically, think this action is not a cruel thing, but rather, something piteous as it helps to alleviate the pet’s pain. Basically, this sentence sums up that the fact that I do not believe that people are born evil, but rather it is â€Å"nurture†, rather â€Å"nature†, that turns people evil. In addition, Hooper’s actions, to me, can be justified as being selfish rather than evil. We all know that Hooper is possessive. He wants Warings to himself and does not waste any attempt drive away â€Å"redundant people† living in Warings. His actions are certainly more of Selfishness than Evilness. The fact that Hooper is merely a young child further accentuates and explains why he is so selfish. Afterall, young child are more self-centered and possessive. This can be illustrated by the fact that a young child only accepts their parents’ full, unscattered love and concern, and more often than ever, news of the arrival of another child, only make them fret about the amount on concern they would receive. Thus, Hooper’s selfishness is somehow understandable. On the other side of the coin, Kingshaw is undoubtedly kind. Critics have commented on Kingshaw as having â€Å"natural goodness†. Now, the question is, if people are born evil, then why is Kingshaw still so kind? Kingshaw has been inundated with taunts and torments from Hooper. Yet, there is still this tinge of kindness inside him that made him remain good right from the start, albeit he did harbour some ill intentions of harming Hooper initially (â€Å"had only to move his hand†¦so that he would topple through the well of the staircase†, chapter 2). So, if people were to born evil, then, why is Kingshaw still benevolent? Therefore, my motion, that people are not born evil, is further reinforced here. In conclusion, I’d like to state that it is nurture, not nature, that made Hooper evil, and that people are certainly not born evil. Perhaps one simple analogy one to reinforce my point is that when an adopted child commits a crime, the ones he would blame are definitely his foster parents and not his natural parents. Why? Because it’s nurture rather than nature, that makes one who he is. With this, I end my essay.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Achieving Competitive Advantage Essay

What roles do traditional process management duties of planning, organizing, and controlling play in project management, if any? Answer: The traditional managerial duties of planning, organizing, and controlling all apply to project management. Project managers must be technically well versed, proficient at administrative functions, willing and able to assume leadership roles, and above-all, goal oriented. The project manager is the person most responsible for keeping track of the big picture Diff: 2 Section: 1. 1 What Is a Project? Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag. Reflective 4) Why is project management challenging? Answer: Projects present challenges for a number of reasons; by their nature they are often dramatic departures from the routine process-oriented work that employees are accustomed to. Projects face budget, time, and resource constraints and these resources must often be marshaled from across the organization. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 1 What Is a Project? Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 5) Why are projects important? Answer: Today’s businesses face a set of pressures that make projects crucial in helping an organization achieve its strategic goals. These pressures include shortened product life cycles, narrow product launch windows, increasingly complex and technical products, the emergence of global markets, and an economic period marked by low inflation. Diff: 1 Section: 1. 2 Why Are Projects Important? Skill: Definition AACSB Tag: Reflective 6) What changes in the business environment have necessitated a greater use of project management skills? Answer: Today’s businesses face a set of pressures that make projects crucial in helping an organization achieve its strategic goals. These pressures include shortened product life cycles, narrow product launch windows, increasingly complex and technical products, the emergence of global markets, and an economic period marked by low inflation. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 2 Why Are Projects Important? Skill: Factual AACSB Tag: Reflective 7) Why is project management considered an excellent training ground for future senior executives in many organizations? Answer: One of the unique aspects of projects is their unique blend of technical and behavioral challenges. The technical side of project management requires managers to become skilled in project selection, budgeting and resource management, planning and scheduling, and tracking their projects. The behavioral side of project management requires project managers to bring together individuals from across the organization, mold them into a team, manage conflict, provide leadership, and engage in negotiation and appropriate political behavior. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 2 Why Are Projects Important? Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 8) Describe the activities that occur at each stage of a project. Answer: Stages in a project’s development are referred to as the project life cycle, which consists of conceptualization, planning, execution, and termination. In the conceptualization stage the scope of the work is determined, necessary resources are identified, and important organizational stakeholders signed on. In the planning stage all detailed specifications, schematics, schedules, and other plans are developed. Individual pieces of the project are broken down, individual assignments are made, and the process for completion is delineated. During the execution phase the system is developed or the product is created and fabricated. Termination occurs when the completed project is transferred to the customer, the project’s resources are reassigned, and the project is formally closed out. Diff: 1 Section: 1. 3 Project Life Cycles Skill: Definition AACSB Tag: Reflective 9) Where in the project life cycle are the intensity level of resources and client interest at their highest? Why is this the case? Answer: The intensity level of resources peaks during the execution phase of the project life cycle. The actual work is performed during this phase, so the commitment of financial, human, and technical resources peaks at this time. The level of enthusiasm or concern expressed by the project’s intended customer peaks in both the conceptualization and termination phases. The client is initially very interested because they provide input on the goal and specifications of the project. Project work moves out of the conceptual phase to a more internal mode and the client’s interest wanes until the project nears delivery. At this point the client’s interest peaks again as they prepare to receive the completed project and all the associated benefits. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 3 Project Life Cycles Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 10) Rank the determinants of project success from most important to least important and justify your rankings. Answer: Answers with regard to ranking may vary since, for example, circumstances may dictate that time is an overriding concern at the expense of quality and cost. The determinants of project success are: conformance to budget, schedule, performance specifications, and client acceptance. Time – Projects are constrained by a specified timeframe during which they must be completed; they are not supposed to continue indefinitely. Cost – Projects must meet budgeted allowances in order to use resources as efficiently as possible. Performance – Projects are developed in order to adhere to some initially determined technical specifications. Performance measurement means determining whether the finished product operates according to specifications. Client acceptance – Projects are developed with customers in mind; their purpose is to satisfy customers’ needs. If the completed project meets all internal criteria but does not satisfy the customer, then the project has not been a complete success. Diff: 3 Section: 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 11) Discuss the internal and external measures of project success. Answer: The determinants of project success are the internal measures of time, cost, and performance and the external measure of client acceptance. Time – Projects are constrained by a specified timeframe during which they must be completed; they are not supposed to continue indefinitely. Cost – Projects must meet budgeted allowances in order to use resources as efficiently as possible. Performance – Projects are developed in order to adhere to some initially determined technical specifications. Performance measurement means determining whether the finished product operates according to specifications. Client acceptance – Projects are developed with customers in mind; their purpose is to satisfy customers’ needs. If the completed project meets all internal criteria but does not satisfy the customer, then the project has not been a complete success. Diff: 1 Section: 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill: Factual AACSB Tag: Reflective 12) Describe the elements of the Atkinson model of project success. Answer: The Atkinson model incorporates the input of all stakeholders in assessing project success. Stakeholders are all groups that are affected by a project, for example, employees, customers, end users, the community, suppliers, etc. The Atkinson model begins with the traditional iron triangle of time, cost, and performance and adds considerations of the benefits accrued by organizational end external stakeholders. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill: Factual AACSB Tag: Reflective 13) One model of project success offered in the chapter looks beyond the current project into the future. Comment on the elements of this model and their impact along the timeline from project completion to well beyond this point in time. Answer: This framework was proposed by Shenhar, Levy, and Dvir and contains in chronological order, the elements of project efficiency, impact on the customer, business success, and preparing for the future. The immediate measure of success is efficiency, that is, have the project budget and schedule been achieved? More important, have the customer needs, technical specifications been met? Next, has the project achieved the commercial success that was hoped for? Finally, has the project opened new markets or new product lines, helped develop new technologies, or developed new skills for the organization? Diff: 2 Section: 1. 4 Determinants of Project Success Skill: Factual AACSB Tag: Reflective 14) What are project management maturity models used for? Answer: Project management maturity models are used to allow organizations to benchmark the best practices of successful project management firms. Project maturity models recognize that different organizations are currently at different levels of sophistication in their best practices for managing projects. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 5 Developing Project Management Maturity Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 15) Describe the spider-web methodology for displaying project management maturity and present any five components of project management practice that can be displayed using this technique. Answer: A spider-web diagram (or radar chart) derives its name from its visual similarity to a spider-web, consisting of some number of spokes connected by concentric rings. The spokes represent the components of project management practice that the organization chooses to measure. The rings represent levels of achievement for each of the components. Diff: 2 Section: 1. 5 Developing Project Management Maturity Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 16) Describe the project management characteristics of firms that reside at the lowest levels of the ESI, SEI, Center for Business Practice, and Kerzner maturity models and characteristics of firms that reside at the highest levels of these models. Answer: The lowest level of each model is occupied by companies that have no clear sense of project management. There is no common project management language within these companies and management processes, if any exist, are ad hoc. Firms occupying the highest level of project management maturity are project savvy; having progressed beyond simply applying project management to processes. These firms actively explore ways to continuously improve project management techniques and procedures. Diff: 3 Section: 1. 5 Developing Project Management Maturity Skill: Conceptual AACSB Tag: Reflective 17) What are the three levels of the generic project management maturity model and what are the characteristics of a company at each level? Provide examples of organizations at each of these levels and support your choices. Answer: The lowest maturity level of the generic model is reserved for companies that have an ad hoc approach to project management. There is no common language for project management and little support for project workers and the projects. At the moderate maturity level, the organization has defined practices, some training programs for project management and organizational support dedicated to these efforts. At the high maturity level, the process of project management is institutionalized and there are continuous improvement efforts underway from one project to the next. Example organizations will vary. Diff: 3

Compare Traditional Radio Listening with Listening to a Station Via a Mobile App. How Are They Different?

Hayden Cremeens COM 200 Chapter 8 Essay 6. Compare traditional radio listening with listening to a station via a mobile app. How are they different? When the radio became a popular past-time in America, it changed society. The radio industry is a rapidly growing business; the number of stations increased 100% from 1970 to 2010 (Dominick, 2013, p. 189). Traditional broadcastings like talk-shows and National Public Radio announcements eventually shifted into a majority of music-orientated stations; however both formats still remain.Traditional FM radio stations that are available nationally or locally have limitations of the genre of music that one listens to; opposed to mobile app, such as Pandora, that allows you to choose specific genres. Traditional radio stations have more commercials than mobile apps; therefore constant interruption during music streaming. Some traditional radio stations have embraced the apps.Clear Channel, a radio company, has had success with the merge of trad itional radio to a mobile app. Clear Channel has developed the IHeartRadio app; which allows users to listen to local radio stations in over 150 stations where ever their location (Dominick, 2013, p. 188). I prefer mobile apps because they stream directly to a computer, smartphone or other portable device (Dominick, 2013, p. 194).Apps offer choice-based stations like Pandora (Dominick, 2013, p. 194). Choice-based stations â€Å"†¦let listeners choose their favorite artists and types of music to create their own playlists. In effect, listeners program their own unique radio station (Dominick, 2013, p. 194). † References Dominick, J. (2013). The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (12th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Prepare a report for a company of your choice for the next one and Assignment

Prepare a report for a company of your choice for the next one and three years . The plan should include the following sections - Assignment Example The Mercedes Benz is too expensive to buy in the current economic conditions. The technological outlook of the industry is challenging while, the buyer power is also higher. Additionally, suppliers are executing their substantial level on companies and the barriers of entry and exit are also believed to be substantially powerful. The modifying economic conditions of the world are warranting the companies to balance out differentiation and cost effectiveness so that Mercedes can be sold in emergent markets of the world. A Business Plan for Mercedes Benz: A Changing Paradigm Introduction The Mercedes is considered one of the most expensive brands in the modern array of cars and vehicles. The company is historically targeting elite class of the world in order to generate sales for the past number of decades. However, the economic recession and depression in advanced parts of the world has seriously influenced the business of the featured company. The focal shift in the direction of emer ging market also caused the sales of the product to drop significantly. The developing regions of the globe do not have sufficient buying power needed to purchase luxurious rides in which the company specializes. However, a strategic modification is required in order to cater changing consumer preferences and behaviors in the global arena of the commerce (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, & Hensen, 2009). The company needs to develop a strategy to disseminate the benefit of long term belief that Mercedes is a brand that is reserved for an elite class of the world. Nevertheless, the per capita income in all over the globe is declining and the sense of harmony and equality is going to prevail in a few years from now. The idea of economic supremacy is going to be word of past in the future. The product with the brand name of Mercedes has finally lost its appeal because nowadays nobody is fortunate enough to afford it to say the least. The subunits of the companies that were hugely lucrat ive in the past were recently closed down as a response of insufficient demand (Baker & Hart, 2007). The latest closure took place in the English economy because the demand was not enough to house a local production unit. The changing economic paradigm has forced the people of all nations to become price sensitive as the level of disposable income is declining in all regions (Lindstrom, 2008). Vision and Mission Statement of the Company â€Å"A pioneering spirit and power of innovation for sustainable mobility. For almost 125 years we have been developing answers to the automotive challenges of the respective eras. As the inventors of the automobile, we are equally committed to protection of the climate and the environment and to the safety of our vehicles and accident prevention. Our customers - and all other road users - throughout the world can put their trust in this commitment† (Hashmi & Biesebroeck, 2013). The vision statement of the company is always considered as an a ttempt to talk to the future and give a direction to the company. The vision statement in every case must define the core values of the company for that it stands. Secondly, it is of great importance to keep on modifying the statement according to the changing environment of the industry. The featured

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Essay #4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

#4 - Essay Example It was a chilly morning and mom had woken me up early as usual to get ready for school. Just like any other ordinary day, I dreaded school and literally dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I was no special kid, I disliked the early mornings and the thought of seeing my class teacher for the umpteenth time did not make my mornings any better. I came from an ordinary family with both my parents working the usual 9 AM to 5 PM jobs. We were not well off and neither of my parents owned a car. I got used to walking to school every morning on the long lonely stretch from our house. On certain lucky mornings, I would bump into other children going to school and I would have someone to keep me company. On this particular morning, the turn of events was pretty much the usual and after a hearty breakfast, I bid my parents goodbye and embarked on my long walk to school. As usual I was alone on that lonely stretch that passed through a series of abandoned buildings that were yet to be demolished. This morning turned out to be somewhat different when I heard loud voices shouting from one of the buildings. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to see what was happening despite several warnings from my mother to keep off those abandoned buildings. I got there just in time to witness a man being gunned down by two me who were in suits. I was petrified and as I turned to run, one of the men saw me and came after me. I was scared and I hid in one of the old kitchen lockers where I used to play before my mother restricted me from playing in the abandoned houses. I shook with fear and when I could hear no more voices, I crept out and ran all the way to school shaken to the core. As a child, I knew I had seen someone being shot and he fell to the ground but I did not actually feel the weight of the matter. I had only seen such incidences in the movies I watched. As much as I was scared it did not occur to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Evolution of the American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Evolution of the American Dream - Essay Example Essay on The American Dream shows The American Dream all about true prosperity for all – never about false prosperity attained via government schemes. It is never about infringing the rights of American citizens for a cause that is deemed worthy of self-appointed moralists.The essay example states that The American Dream is about the natural right of a person to pursue liberty, a successful life, and happiness. Democratic service, as proposed by Martin Luther King, should mean a collective way of exercising the little power that people hold so to challenge the power levers (Adams 113). Here, power sets the norms, values and the ends that a specific society abides by. The values get to promote a society that is more just if the values are just in themselves. On the other hand, if they are unjust, they end up creating a society that is unjust – much of what we currently see at the moment. The contemporary understanding of the American dream has led to the creation of an u nfair society. Those with the power and mandate to change and remake the American society that upholds democratic values and norms must do so via active participation and critical reflection. The American Dream essay depicts a dream about life which is fuller and richer for every citizen regardless of birth circumstances or social stature. Unmistakably, countless Americans are by now weary and mistrustful of the contemporary interpretation of the American Dream. ... In simple terms, the American Dream as envisioned by our Forefathers was that every person has the God-given right to his liberty, life and pursuit of happiness – devoid of any form of interference. It is quite unfortunate that top in government’s agenda is wealth redistribution. As it appears, through subsequent brainwashing, people who have become dependent on government benefits have failed to comprehend that no cause should validate the infringement of the rights in addition to freedoms stipulated above (Schnell 322). It is time that everyone rejected the notion put forward by progressives that the Dream is about receiving security, privileges and benefits from the government of politicians. The American Dream should entail liberty. In essence, the foundation of the American Dream proffers that liberty has to be placed higher up there than the rest of the objectives. In essence, the underlying premise of this Dream is that liberty be given a higher priority compared to any other objective. The government has the mandate to protect the god-given rights that every human being inherits during their birth. America’s Founding Fathers never envisioned that the government will be the one to give rights to its subjects. Their main objective was to limit the powers of the government. This is what gave birth to the famous American Dream. Any law that permits allows the government to take people’s property without their permission no matter what, is immoral and unconstitutional. Presently, the American government is still winning its tender offer to American citizens: security in place of freedom. Any sensible American should ask himself or herself: Are these government benefits worth if it is likely that future generation may live in a police state due to the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Internship - Essay Example In job description, an ambassador is person who represents his home country in another country. Ambassadors live in different countries from their home country and they work as representatives and delegates in their home country in both activities and votes (Dacia 2011). They have to understand the culture of the country they work and at the same time have the interest of their home country in mind (State University 2012). Often, the education requirement for one to be an ambassador varies by individuals. The minimum education level required is a bachelor’s degree. The major requirement is for this job is either government or political experience as this is the determinant factor in the success o this field. For one to be an ambassador, one has to be informed of the current policies and events (State University 2012). In order to gain more knowledge in this field, I conducted an interview with the USA Ambassador to United Arab Emirates, who informed me about this career in terms of education background, roles and duties of an ambassador and work Environment (Daniel 2011). According to the ambassador, the duties of an ambassador involve serving as delegates for the United Nations, and also represent standpoints and views of their home country in the country that they work. The ambassadors also perform the reporting function, whereby they have to report to their home country on the facts that they gather so that their home country can make conclusive decisions on the information that they get . The population or work environment varies with countries. For my chosen country that I would like to work in, Iraq, approximately one million people remain displaced in the whole country. Thousands and thousands of the displaced people live in dire conditions in the country. The country also experiences insecurity from exploitation and violence. According to 2009 statistics, the country has a population of more than 12 million

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The perception of branded hotel in global world Essay

The perception of branded hotel in global world - Essay Example In this paper an attempt has been made by the researcher to describe and explain the research method which will be used in order to accomplish the aims and objectives of the particular research project. The main aim of this chapter is to present and justify the different research philosophy and methods which are used by the researcher in order to find answers to the research questions. It is beneficial for the researcher to describe and define the research methodology and design in effective manner as this research design and methodology act as a guiding map for the researcher during the whole research process, and the researcher is able to find comprehensive and relevant answers to the research questions under investigation. The research design helps the researcher in collecting, analysing, and explaining the data. The research design presented in this chapter will facilitate the researcher in the search of the appropriate and thorough answers to the research questions under study a nd to accomplish the aims and objectives of the research study being conducted. The research purpose of this particular research study is to identify, investigate, and explain the concept of the branded them hotels within United Kingdom. Apart from this the research study is looking forward to explore the different factors which will directly influence the consumer behaviour in the selection of the branded theme hotels. Hence it can be said that the research purpose of this research study is ‘descripto-explanatory’.... Apart from this the research study is looking forward to explore the different factors which will directly influence the consumer behaviour in the selection of the branded theme hotels. Hence it can be said that the research purpose of this research study is ‘descripto-explanatory’ (Saunders, Thornhill, & Lewis, 2009, p.140). This concept of descripto-explanatory research has been generated from the combination of the exploratory research and descriptive research. In the descriptive research the researcher tends to present and explain the overall prevalent situation which is being investigated in order to get a clear idea of the overall condition (Aanstoos, 1983). In reference to this research study, the researcher has gone for the descriptive study in order to explore and describe the current situation in the hospitality industry of United Kingdom with high focus on the trends and patterns related to the concept of the branded theme hotels. On the contrary to this, the explorative research is used by the researcher in order to explore and create a proper causal relationship i.e. cause and effect relationship between the important variable and factors being investigated or studied (Patton, 2002). In reference to this research study the researcher has implemented the explorative research in order to investigate that the relationship between the different consumer behaviour variables and the growth of the branded theme hotels sector. This specific strategy or approach of integrating the both research purposes i.e. descriptive research and explorative research will in turn facilitate the researchers to come up with better and more thorough answers to the research questions being investigated. Research Approach: In order

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Marketing Research - Essay Example Consumer psychology being used as a factor to charge a high price is a strategy known as premium pricing. It might be assumed that this kind of strategy would be used to skim the market and take as much profits as possible and finally will have to be abandoned. This hypothesis is, however, incorrect to assume. As Smith (1997) alludes, premium pricing strategy might not simply aim to skim the market rather to maintain a high priced brand value without straining the consumer to an extent leveled with the skimming strategy. If the company prices its wines at a price much higher than the actual cost, but keeps it within affordable limits of the targeted market segment, the product is likely to establish a significant brand value. Brand value, however, is dependant on the kind of advertisement that has been done and the branding cost to establish the product while pricing itself is an independent variable as the actual costs of the product are not a deciding factor. Brand value in the example research were measured by mere exhibition of cost to the sampling participants. The assumption of a better reputation and taste based on the cost confirms the premium pricing method for the product to be an effective technique that utilized the expectation of the participants from a high priced wine to be better in taste as per Emmerich’s (2005) research. Other variables, as Emmerich (2005) states, that could affect the results of such a strategy include competitive forces; competitors will have the advantage to sell their products at lower prices and continuously challenge the price of the product. Researches could have measured comparison with competitive brands as an additional variable. An experiment to test this will require each participant to test and sample the wine qualitatively only knowing the tagged prices and not the actual prices. The given example employed a simple random sample of 20 participants, in a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Statistics Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Statistics Term Paper - Essay Example Interpretation of data and results is one fundamental concern of using statistics in the fields of business and economics. One important statistical tool that for many years has become proven to help businessmen and economists is the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis of variance is a significant component of inferential statistics and it tries to measure the difference between two or more independent groups or variables. In this paper, the proponent tries to discuss ANOVA as a significant statistical tool for business and economics especially in inferential statistics and in tests of difference for three or more independent groups, variables or data. Analysis and interpretation of data are important roles associated with inferential statistics. This statistics has different statistical tools or test for the analysis of interval, ratio, nominal and ordinal data. For making inferences from or conclusions on larger groups or populations, or even in generalizing information gathered in one or more samples, inferential statistics has been proven effective in doing so. The goodness of samples is very important to consider in order so as to ensure effectiveness of inferential statistics. In addition, sampling techniques or procedures are necessary or of great importance prior to the use of inferential statistical tools. In reality, the only way to find what specific tool in inferential statistics is necessary for any research problems or studies depends on the nature of data. It is in this reason that inferential statistics is subdivided into two groups: parametric and non-parametric tests. Non-parametric tests are tests that do not require normal distribution and they utilize both nominal and ordinal data (Bajpai 678). One could say that the distribution is not normal when the value of skewness is either positive or negative. Skewness is positive when the mean is greater than the median and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Literary Analysis of The Things They Carried Essay

Literary Analysis of The Things They Carried - Essay Example The main thesis of the discussion is keeping the war firmly in minds and passing it from one generation to another. The war should be in the minds of people as it gives a reason the war took place and helps in keeping the heroes who lost their lives alive. The loss of lives should educate individuals on the importance of living in peace and harmony as well as it provides the need to protect the dignity of the heroes. The narrator of the story should have the skill of narrating the story in a special way creating the picture into the minds of the audience. The thesis adequately provides enough information to assist in making an opinion from the draft. The achievements that the soldiers had from the war and the negative factors that the soldiers as well had encounter in the process of the war and after fighting. From the thesis, it is clear that a significant number of soldiers lost their lives and dear friends. In addition, the soldiers had the possession of condoms, cigarettes, lighters and cakes from the same war. According to the thesis in the provision, it is possible to create a precise opinion due to the availability of adequate necessary information. In order to make the thesis firmer, discussing on the weapons and strategies that the soldiers made use of would greatly help strengthening the thesis than it is now. However, including information on the means of getting food and shelter to hide from the intensive adverse conditions of the war can assist in developing more focus on the thesis. The information that the draft addresses includes, the challenges that soldiers faced in the war in Vietnam. From the draft, it is clear that the loss of life is the major effect that the soldiers had to cope with until the end of the war. The mental challenge also affects the soldiers due to the fear of loss of life and witnessing the death of their comrades in the

Gandhis Contribution to World War I Essay Example for Free

Gandhis Contribution to World War I Essay Why? 1)He had begun to approve of the idea of home rule, but he had no interest in exchanging government by British elite for rule by an Anglicized Indian elite. If swaraj was to come to India, he argued, it must come as part of a wholesale social transformation that stripped away the old burdens of caste and crippling poverty. 2)Gandhi had said – â€Å"I felt then that it was more the fault of individual officials than of the British system, and that we could convert them by love. If we would improve our status through the help and cooperation of the British, it was our duty to win their help by standing by them in their hour of need. 3)He had been almost alone among Indian leaders who had argued for unconditional support to Britain in her hour of need in the hope of a worthy gesture at the end of the war. 4)The issue in Champaran involved European traders forcing illegal dues and payments upon the peasants; Ahmedabad’s problem was centred on the unfair treatment of industrial workers; and the predicament in Kheda was caused by the government ignoring the farmers’ appeals for the remission of land revenue. Gandhi solved each dilemma using unique, yet effective methods which gained him the respect and commitment of many political workers. These events depict the growing unrest in India very clearly. India was itching to fight for independence, which would be a very bloody battle indeed. Gandhi, therefore, decided to support the British Empire in the war, hoping that in return, India would gain independence. What? 1)In April 1918, during the latter part of World War I, the Viceroy invited Gandhi to a War Conference in Delhi. Gandhi agreed to actively recruit Indians for the war effort.[43] In contrast to the Zulu War of 1906 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914, when he recruited volunteers for the Ambulance Corps, this time Gandhi attempted to recruit combatants. In a June 1918 leaflet entitled Appeal for Enlistment, Gandhi wrote To bring about such a state of things we should have the ability to defend ourselves, that is, the ability to bear arms and to use themIf we want to learn the use of arms with the greatest possible dispatch, it is our duty to enlist ourselves in the army.† 2)Early in 1918, the war seemed to be going badly for the Allies; a German thrust was expected on the western front, and the Viceroy summoned prominent leaders of Indian opinion to a War Conference in Delhi. Gandhi supported the resolution on recruitment with a single sentence in Hindi: With a full sense of my responsibility, I beg to support the resolution. 3)When World War I broke out, Gandhi was on the high seas, he was homeward bound, though he hoped to spend a few weeks in England. On August 6, 1914, he landed on English soil and lost no time in calling a meeting of his Indian friends to raise an ambulance unit Public opinion 1)Gandhi did not favour a bargain with the government by offering cooperation at a price and said: That we have been loyal at a time of stress is no test of fitness for swaraj (self-government). Loyalty is no merit. It is a necessity of citizenship all the world over. 2)During the years 1916-18, Gandhi did not take active part in politics. The Moderates did not like his extra-constitutional methods of Satyagraha, the Extremists did not like his studied tenderness to the British Government during the war Consequence And having fought a war whose supposed purpose was to protect the rights of small states and independent peoples from tyranny, the rhetoric of British rule in India had begun to ring hollow 1)In this atmosphere, the harried British government made a frightful mistake. They elected to follow the recommendations of the Rowlatt Committee, which advocated the retention of wartime restrictions in India–including curfews and the suppression of free speech. Gandhi, reading the soon-to-be-passed Rowlatt Act in his sickbed, was too weak to mount a protest, but his loyalty to the Empire, which he had long viewed as the guarantor of Indian liberties, suffered a major blow. 2)Gandhi learned through the Sedition Committee Report that the government of India was going to introduce legislation to curb civil liberties. All of the Indian soldiers lost their lives in vain because the British Empire had absolutely no plans to give India its freedom. 3)Heartbroken, India grew more and more restless. When General Dryer heartlessly slaughtered 379 people at Jallianwala Bagh, the country could take no more. Awhile later, Gandhi launched a nation-wide struggle. And finally, on August 15th, 1947, India finally won its independence. 1)Charlie Andrews confirms, Personally I have never been able to reconcile this with his own conduct in other respects, and it is one of the points where I have found myself in painful disagreement.[46] Gandhis private secretary also had acknowledged that The question of the consistency between his creed of Ahimsa` (non-violence) and his recruiting campaign was raised not only then but has been discussed ever since. 2)They wondered, could the apostle of peace ask them to take up arms in defense of the Raj? About 1.3 million Indian soldiers fought in the war. 47, 746 soldiers died and 65, 126 were wounded from the Indian army. This doesn’t seem like something Gandhi would want, right? Many people wonder why Gandhi wanted Indians to fight, since he always strictly adhered to non-violence. His support for India’s involvement in World War One causes us to question his consistency and perhaps even his belief in ahimsa. 3)He did, however, stipulate in a letter to the Viceroys private secretary that he personally will not kill or injure anybody, friend or foe

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Examining The Aspects Of Social Work Practices Social Work Essay

Examining The Aspects Of Social Work Practices Social Work Essay The aspect of social work practice I feel most difficult to perform is the gerontological social work. This paper would firstly describe the context of social work practice with old people. After that, I would exam the reasons preventing me from effectively conducting helping process by evaluating my attitudes, emotions and experiences as well as by reviewing professional literature on social work practice with old people. In the end, I will shape a personal plan on how to address this weakness in the future. There is a universal folk saying that everyone wishes to live a good long life, but no one wishes for old age. Although in virtually every helping process attempt, social workers bring their own emotional or cognitive influences to intervention, I feel especially difficult to perform in the interventions dealing with older adults. With the development of medical and health care and with the baby boomer generations entering into their old years, the aging of population in the twenty-first century has become increasingly concerned by more and more people. In responding to the drastic transformation of social institutions such as elderly social service and health-care system, the social work practice with old people turns out into one of the most popular social work aspect today. Apart from the well-known nursing homes and hospital, there are other settings for gerontological social work as well. Geriatric care management, community social service agencies, adult day health care, legal services ¼Ã…’home health-care agencies , macro settings for gerontological social workers and community planning also play their active roles in serving the older adult in a variety of ways. The gerontologiacal social work, which needs high level of self-awareness, commitment and professional skills, is somehow a complex mission for us to carry. Many social workers admit that social work practice with old people is both challenged and exciting for the reason that, at one hand, it reminds of feelings about death, aging of our family and ones own attitudes toward helping the disadvantaged and vulnerable old adults; on the other hand, it also presents joys and delightful pictures and makes us think more about ourselves. Root of difficulty Review own personal factors Among all the factors that influence my ability to perform this particular area, the subtle effects of my social and personal massages and the counter-transference feelings of old people would be matters of cardinal significance. Furthermore, I also affected by my characteristics and cognition to certain kind of old people. Stereotypes. When I was a child I always heard people saying that old people are vulnerable and need help, and older adults are less valuable as human beings because they have to rely on their children. At home, I was asked to behave properly and not offend grandparents; otherwise I would get scolds and punishment. While at school, I was required to help older people for that they have trouble getting around. These stereotypes toward elderly are usually negative for me and imply an attitude or unintentional message that old people are hard to take care of, stubborn, old-fashioned and unpleasant. Consequently, I always feel that I cannot handle the relationship with older people well and they will not like me. I feel uncomfortable in front of many of my eldership because I do not know how to keep conversations going with my poor eloquence and interpersonal skills. Even though I understand ageism is a destructive social justification when I grow older, I still cannot change the comments I once made on aging and I am a little bit afraid of old people to some extent. Personal emotion factors. I am by nature a sentimental and emotional person from an early age. My grandma passed away when I was in primary school. She left me even before seeing my admission into university and engagement with my fiancà ©. I always think that if she could see these, she would be very pleased and also, I would be the most delight person in the world. She always lived a difficult life when she was young and did not enjoy much in her late years. Sometimes all my family members would feel guilty for missing the chance to treat her well before she left us. As a consequence, when facing the dying older people, especially female elderly suffered from chronic disease or cancer, I inevitably feel urgent to save them and so scared to face the truth that they will eventually die someday. I doubt myself about what I can do for them and I am so scared that they will leave me before I can do anything right or helpful. In fact, that is one of the most difficult challenges in social work practice for me. Real understanding of old people. As a social worker, I appreciate that getting old does not inevitably mean the loss of intelligence, memory and cognitive functioning. I also understand that developing a level of understanding is necessary from a social worker standpoint, and it helps me to anticipate client needs and perform an ongoing self-critique in order to improve and grow my helping process. However, many times I feel I am not able to truly understand them and consider things from their perspective of views as I never experienced true aging. Many decisions I made somehow reflect my own perception of the situation such as to decide whether an old adult should stay in own home or hospital, or to conclude that an older person is showing poor judgment about financial decisions. Furthermore, it would be even harder to perform my role as a social worker when a balance between the opinions of the older adult himself, his family and the social worker need to be achieved. This obstacl e prevents me from behaving more successfully at building a sustainable relationship with elderly clients and I simply do the work and move on. When everything needs more time and patience. With the tight time schedule and many objectives to be accomplish, sometimes a social worker needs to be in a hurry to push on the intervention process. And some other times even if I have explained many times, it is still necessary to have extended periods describing complicated appointments to older clients. I always tend to speed it up although in that case, in order to attain my goal I should slow down to give them more time to think about the process. Lack of patience would be another problem preventing me from effectively working with elderly or even almost every aspect of social work practice. Reviewing the professional literature Many social workers admit that, even though both meaningful and satisfactory, working with elderly people can need a high level of self-awareness and self-discipline. The truth that everyone must eventually face the developmental stage of aging and death for themselves and their families may contribute to the anxiety and complexity of the helping process, as social work practice in the aspects of domestic violence or drug abuse may not personally affect worker. This can impact workers with older clients on both a conscious and subconscious level. Ageism and Death Anxiety. In most cultures around the world, particularly the Chinese culture, people feel uncomfortable when deal with death or anything related to death. From an early age, children are asked to avoid to talking death and dying, and to replace the word death with phrases such as passed on, or gone on to another world. Therefore, the social workers dealt with older people may require more self-control and comfort on the acknowledging the real pain caused by the loss of human life of family and friends. The anxiety of aging and dying process on ones own work, combined with generally indisposed experiences about the proximity of death surrounding older adults, bring about some social workers avoiding work with the aging. According to the Hong Kong Social Workers Registration Broads data gathered from its members about their areas of practice, despite older adults make up about 12.8 percent of Hong Kong population, less than 6 percent of social worker identify gerontological social work as their field of practice, which compared to nearly 30 percent for mental health. Countertransference. The reactions, real, and unreal, to a certain individual can occur irrespective of origin and can be based on ones own past or present experiences or characteristics. Counter transference can be described as social workers reactions involve feelings, wishes, and unconscious defensive patterns onto the client. In the professional relationship with old people, a social worker may place negative feelings or dislikes of older persons onto the client, which restrict his willingness (no matter consciously or unconsciously) to continue investigating and result in impatience or intolerance of the aging. On the other side, old clients who evoke images from ones past such as parents, grandparents or other elderly family members can make process even more arduous to advance as a result of destructive sympathy and the need to save an older person. The Independence/ dependence fight. Old people want to maintain their independence to make decisions while the social worker commits to promote self-determination and dignity of the individual. But things are not that simple. When an elderly claims for increasingly supporting service and experiences growing difficulties to maintain independence on his own, it will be confrontational to live up to the elderly expectations. McInnis-Dittrich (2008) states A worker can appreciate the desperate efforts on the part of an older adult to stay in his or her own home. Yet when an older adult is struggling with stairs or a deteriorating neighborhood, and difficulties in completing the simple activities of daily living challenge the feasibility of that effort, professional and personal dilemmas abound. This is a good example to understand that sustaining independence in the gerontological social work is a critical goal which has no simple good answer. Private functions become public business. Discussing the topic such as an old womans bladder and bowel functions or an older mans maintaining an erection or urinating with clients may cause awkward and uncomfortable resistance when social workers and other helping professional get involved. Therefore, sometimes it is important to be sensitive to the deeply personal nature when social workers try to acquire necessary comprehension of an older adults health conditions. A better understanding of interpersonal skills and psychosocial adjustment to aging would be helpful and essential. Personal plan to address this weakness Overcome stereotype influence First of all, I hope that from now on I will pay more attention to those featuring active, healthy, productive, and successful older persons so that I will develop a balanced understanding about aging and elderly. Aging is not painful and debilitating. Many wise, gracious, and humorous elderly have made admirable contribution to the world and have shown remarkable strength to achieve a positive as well as enthusiastic life. Secondly, another important thing for me is to keep the lines of communication open with older adults. If I can open my heart to communicate, they will share more with me. The stronger relationship between us will help me cope better with the stereotype challenges. Last but not least, in my future helping process I will often ask myself: does it reinforce stereotypes again? I should start from every thing in daily life to alter the attitude that hinders my ability to face the normal changes of aging. Make a change in attitude is not easy, but I will try my best to drive myself on the right direction. Awareness and Introspection Awareness of the emotional influence is the first and the essential key to solve my problem. How well do I manage my own anxiety with this clients situations should be my first concern. I will always remind myself that do not be affected by my experience and differentiate my experience of losing a family member from the intervention my client. That will help me to distinguish between the older peoples need and my own need and, to remain focused on the clients need. Furthermore, I could seek help from colleagues and supervisors as well. By discussing the situations with them, I can expose and explore my own feelings and get advices in order to effectively facilitate help process. To truly understand elderly Above all, I will try to get in touch more with old people to truly feel their emotional and cognitive problems, as well as to open my heart and listen to them. Maybe I can join them more in their music, art activities in communities. Aging does not necessarily mean the loss of memory and cognitive capacities, and I will try to explain the information in a variety of ways so that we can build understanding relationship. Moreover, reading more books about the psychological problems of the elderly would be really useful to analyze their psychological changes and behavior patterns. Equipped with a better look at the findings from professional social workers, I will more effectively comprehend the aging process the distinguishing features of elderly. Finally, I should learn from experienced social workers to get more suggestions when I feel difficult to continue. For one thing, they can improve my ways of carrying intervention by pointing out my mistakes. For another, they can help me understand and get the most from their strength and weakness by providing convenient and professional advice.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Vocabulary Component Of Language

Vocabulary Component Of Language Vocabulary is an important component of language knowledge because without knowing lots of vocabulary students will get difficulty when they express their ideas. As Zhihong (2000:18) said, Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express ideas. It means that having limited vocabulary might cause difficulty for students as foreign language learners to communicate with others and express their ideas. They might be stuck when using the language. According to Luppescu and Day (1993: 266), Building a large vocabulary is essential when learning English because people with large vocabularies are more proficient than those with limited vocabularies. In other words, when students have lots of vocabulary, they can communicate relatively well than those who lack of vocabulary. Thus, students should have enough English vocabulary in order to be able to undertake their studies successfully. Having lots of English vocabulary is important for anyone who wants to use the language. Decarrico (2001: 205) states, Vocabulary learning is central to language acquisition, whether first, second, or foreign. It means that learning vocabulary is the prior component that must be given to the students during their study of the language. They must he exposed with the vocabulary of the language they are studying. Thus, teachers are expected to develop their students r I 2 vocabulary by giving them the techniques or strategies of learning vocabulary. In the same fashion, students are also expected to have their own strategies in learning vocabulary. According to August and her colleagues (available at pwww.readinrockets.orWarticle/9943), vocabulary learning strategies include: Dictionary use In this strategy, learners can find multiple word meanings as well as importance of choosing the appropriate definition to fit the particular context. Morphemic Analysis This strategy is the process of deriving a words meaning by analyzing its meaningful parts or morphemes. Such word parts include root words, prefixes and suffixes. Contextual Analysis It involves inferring the meaning of an unfamiliar word by scrutinizing the text surrounding it. Instruction in contextual analysis generally involves teaching students to employ both generic and specific types of context clues. They also suggest several strategies that appear to be especially valuable for building the vocabularies of English Language Learners. These strategies include taking advantage of students first language if the language shares cognates with English, teaching the meaning of basic words, and providing sufficient review and reinforcement. Based on the several strategies given above, it can be said that vocabulary learning strategies are specific actions taken by the learner to make 3 learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations. Nation (1986:3) has listed 3,000 high-frequency English words and recommends these words as the basis of selection and order of vocabulary in teaching English at schools. He said that the learners of English as a foreign language need to master a productive knowledge and receptive knowledge of 1,000 and 2,000 high-frequency words. These skills will enable learners to communicate their ideas in the language they are studying whether in oral or written. Nurweni and Read (1999: 161) conducted the study in Lampung and discovered that students had some knowledge of 1226 English words. They also cited several researches: Quin (1968) conducted a vocabulary size of High School students graduated in Salafga and discovered that the subjects knew less than 1,000 of the most frequent English words after six years of study in high school and another study conducted by Suwarno Kartini (1998) in Bengkulu, they discovered that the students knew around 2,000 of the high-frequency words. All of the researches were about the vocabulary size of Indonesian learners especially students of High School (University level); the result showed that their vocabulary knowledge was still limited. The recent researches about vocabulary knowledge were conducted by Karwuur (2005) and Kurniawati (2004:ii). Karwuur conducted her research by analyzing the junior high schools English textbooks. She analyzed three English textbooks used by junior high school levels and discovered that those books 4 contain 1196 high-frequency words out of 2000 high-frequency words listed in Nation (1986:10-80). Kurniawati conducted a study of vocabulary knowledge of junior high school stuqents in several state junior high schools in Jakarta and discovered that the students were estimated to know 819 words receptively and 409 words productively out of 1,000 and 2,000 vocabulary levels. In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject for students from elementary school to university level. As stated in the 1999 English Curriculum, students of junior high school are expected to have good language skills so that they are able to communicate well. Based on it, students in Junior High School level are expected to cover 1,000 words. From all the research above, there has not been any research yet to discover the vocabulary size ofjunior high school based on English textbooks. The explanation above inspired the researcher to find out more about the size of students English vocabulary at Junior High School in Jakarta based on the vocabulary found in their textbooks used at Junior High School level. 1.2 Problem Statement Based on the background of the study above, the researcher is interested in finding out the number of words known by the students of Junior High School based on their textbooks. The research question of this study is formulated as follow: How much is the size of the junior high school students knowledge of the English vocabulary learned from their textbooks? 5 1.3 Target Population The population of my research is Junior High School (SMP) level students. From this population, the sample for this particular survey is the third level of SMP students. They are students who are taken from several private schools in Jakarta. 1.4 Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to investigate the English vocabulary size of Junior High School students, especially those from private schools in Jakarta. .1.5 Limitation of the study This study is limited to third graders junior high school students located in Jakarta. The number of the students included is 311 students. 1.6 Weaknesses of the Study The researcher realized that this study has some weaknesses. Among them are: This study is emphasized only in English vocabulary size There is no clear border between receptive and productive competence in order to measure vocabulary size ofjunior high school students 6 The time taken is limited because the population was being prepared for the National examination, so that the researcher has limited time to take the data needed. 1.7 Benefit of the Study Hopefully, this study gives information about the vocabulary size ofjunior high school students. It is expected that the information is useful as an input for English teachers to know their students English achievement especially their vocabulary. Thus, the teacher might be able to prepare the lesson with good techniques and strategies in order to lead the students more interested and motivated in expanding their vocabulary, especially the high-frequency words and studying English. C 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW In this chapter, vocabulary in language learning will be firstly discussed, followed by testing vocabulary, then vocabulary selection and kinds of vocabulary size test. Finally, measuring vocabulary size will be explained in the last part of this chapter. 2.1. Vocabulary in Language Learning Coady and Hicklin (1997:5) stated that, Vocabulary is central to language and of critical important to the typical language learner. Zhang Xi (1992:3 3) also says that, Mastering vocabulary is an important aspect of learning a language. It can be concluded that vocabulary is very crucial for the language learners to acquire and master. In English learning process vocabulary is still quite difficult for students to acquire new or unfamiliar words. In fact, if the students do not know enough words, it is impossible for students to understand ideas to express their thought. As Luppescu Day (1993:265) said, Building a large vocabulary is essential when learning language because learners with large vocabularies are more proficient than those with limited vocabularies. It means that students will succeed if they have much vocabulary because they know what should they speak, write and they can comprehend what they hear and read. It is also supported by Anderson and Freebody (1981: 77), Voc abulary knowledge is an excellent predictor of general language ability. In the language use, vocabulary becomes n 8 important to them so it must be paid attention by both teachers and students. In this case teachers have many roles in the process of teaching and learning vocabulary because not only the meaning of words but also the words knowledge whereas the students should be active in learning process. Harmer (199 1:242) states that, In playing the role of facilitating, the teacher should always be ready to offer help if it is needed and is available whenever the students wish to consult them. Thus, the teacher should make a good plan in teaching English especially vocabulary and prepare the lesson by using an interesting method. Courtright and Wesolek in their research report (2001:3) indicate that, It is an importance to incorporate interactive vocabulary activities into English classes. It can be designed to fulfill the following purposes: 1. Exposure (concept of clarifying word meaning and illustrate appropriate usage) 2. Expansion (concept of using the appropriate word form in context) 3. Expression (concept of demonstrating word knowledge in either oral or written original expression using the target words) While each of the three purposes should be covered at each level of language proficiency, the proportion of class time spent on activities for each purpose will vary according to the level of the students. At beginning levels like junior high school students for example, teachers tend to spend more time clarifying the meaning or exposing the students to the words and refining usage. Moreover the material and interesting media selection need to be given more .9 attention to the teachers as a facilitator in the learning process in order to increase the students vocabulary size. In the learning process, the goal of learning plays an important role in the main point. As stated in the English curriculum ofjunior high school (Depdiknas 1999) that the goal of vocabulary learning of Junior high school student who use English as a foreign language is to prepare themselves with vocabulary that can be used in expressing idea and communicating with other people. Furthermore, they are also expected to master 1,000 words. The curriculum states both the number of words which should be acquired and the list of words that should be taught. In the other words, junior high school students are provided with the amount of vocabulary which is classified into some topics. Based on this reason, students need to prepare themselves with a good language skill in be able to communicate their ideas in the target language both oral and written. According to the foreign language teaching methodology, linguistic competence is generally categorized into skills that refer to both receptive competence (listening and reading) and productive competence (speaking and writing). As cited by Herudjati and Hendarti (2004:v), The crucial role of teachers is to help students master the target language. It means that the process of mastering the target language, the students need teachers role to fulfill final purpose of the learning language. In this case, the teachers as both motivators and facilitators must be wisely motivated, facilitated, and encouraged students to improve their productive competence. Thus the teachers role is very important to I I 10 motivate their students in learning vocabulary especially to stimulate the students in producing their vocabulary whether in oral or written language. Besides teachers role, textbook usage is also one of important factors to support the learning process. According to Kizilirmak (1991 :47)The textbook, after all, is the main resource of the material for most language teachers. It was also agreed by Karwuur(2005:i3), that textbook is one of the teaching materials which is the most accessible and effective for most teachers to support their teaching programs. Thus, the students achievement should be considered with the role of the textbook usage during the learning process. From the theory above, this study will be focused on the students vocabulary achievement based on their textbooks target. 2.2 Testing Vocabulary According to Novozhilova (Available at: jip://www., Testing is an important part of every teaching and learning experience. Well-made test of English can help students in at least two ways. First, such tests can help create positive attitudes toward the ciass. Second, English tests can benefit students is by helping them master the language. Properly, made English test can help create positive attitudes toward instruction by giving students a sense of accomplishment and a feeling that the teachers evaluation of them matches what he has taught them. It is also agreed by Nation (1999:8). He said that testing usually has two effects: (1) It provides information for the teacher and learners; (2) it influences the teachers I 11 and learners attitudes. That is, testing can encourage learning and arouse interest in it. Besides those effects of the testing above, good English tests also help students to learn the language by requiring them to study hard, emphasizing course objectives, and showing them where they need to improve. In other word, the result of tests can help teachers answer the important question Have I been effective in my teaching? It means that the tests can be used to diagnose our own efforts as well as those of our students. Then, test is beneficial for students, teachers, and even administrators by confirming progress that has been made and showing how can best redirect our future efforts. In addition, good test can sustain or enhance class morale and aid learning. Test of language sub skills do not show exactly how well a person uses English, but they can help teachers diagnose students strengths and weaknesses in oral or written communication. Generally, language tests are simply instruments or procedures for gathering particular kinds of information, typically information related with students language abilities. In this case, the test of vocabulary is used to diagnose areas of student needs or sources of learning difficulties, to reflect on the effectiveness of materials and activities, and to encourage students involvement in the learning progress for further classroom- based applications of language test. Novozhiiova adds that the reasons for testing can be identified as follows: 1. Testing tells teachers what students can or cannot do-in order words, tests show the teachers how successful their teaching has been. It provides I 12 wash-back from them to adjust and change course content and teaching style where necessary. 2. Testing tells students how well they are progressing. This may stimulate them to take learning more seriously. 3. By identifying students strength and weaknesses, testing can help identify areas for remedial work. 4. Testing will help evaluate the effectiveness of the program, course-books, material, and methods. Thus, teaching and testing are two inseparable aspects of the teachers task. They have an essential role in developing the students communicative competence. 2.3 Vocabulary Selection Vocabulary selection is related to the materials in used to enrich and develop students vocabulary. According to Read (2000:148) Vocabulary size test is merely samples of items representing their perspective frequency level, not words that are of interest in their own right. It means that to select the vocabulary that will be tested, the test taker must consider to the criteria of vocabulary selection. Karwuur (2005:10) notes that the selection of vocabulary should be based on the learners needs and the consideration of whether it is useful to them or not. Not to be different from them, Richards (200 1:7) said that there are two major criteria that should be considered by the teacher in selecting and organizing vocabulary from the classroom, they are; frequency and range of words. It is also 13 agreed by Nation (1990: 18-19) that frequency and range of the words are the main criteria in making selection of vocabulary for teaching learning in a class. Moreover, vocabulary selection is also related to direct and indirect vocabulary learning. In direct vocabulary learning, the students do exercises and activity that focus their attention on vocabulary. Word-building exercises, guessing word from context, learning word in lists, and vocabulary games are included in direct vocabulary learning. In indirect vocabulary learning the students attention is focused in some other feature such as message that is conveyed by a speaker or writer. As cited in Nation (1999:2), Krashen (1981 a) said that those arethe input theory of language learning. Nation (1999:3) also states that there are four ways in selecting vocabulary. They are as follows: I. Material is prepared with vocabulary learning as a consideration. In this case the selection and grading of vocabulary has been given a lot of attention before the course begins. 2. Words are dealt with as they happen to occur. It means that if an unknown word appears in the reading passage, the teacher gives some attention to it at the moment it causes a problem. 3. Vocabulary is taught in connection with other language activities. In other words, it should be concerned with real life. 4. Time is spent either in class or out of school. From all the ways above it can be said that selecting words is not an easy thing to do because there are not only some aspects determining the vocabulary I 14 selection but also the curriculum guidance on English subject coveriiig the words should be taught and which should be left out. Having good enough vocabulary influences the students in some ways: they understand what they read, what they hear, what they want to say, and write. Because vocabulay is an important component in language learning, it is used in all ianguage skiHs whether in reading, listening, speaking, or writing. It can not be separated each other. Vocabulary learning in the Junior High School level needs more attentions because according to the previous researches found that the problem ofjunior high school students is they lack of vocabulary so they could have difficulties in both receptive and productive English skills. Therefore, this study focused on the words included in the junior high school textbooks used by the students; the result gained will indicate that the junior high school students have a progress in learning the vocabulary. The textbooks refer to the 1999 curriculum guidance. 2.4 Types of Vocabulary Size Test Based on the frequency and the word range, Nation (2002:6) divided vocabulary into 4 groups. They are: I. High frequency words High frequency words are words that occur frequently in running text or speech of the native speaker. These words are very important so the students should be familiar with those words. 15 2. Academic words The academic words are the words that used in the common academic text. 3. Technical words These words are closely related to the topic discussed. 4. Low frequency words These kind of words are included all the words that are not high frequency words, not academic words and not technical words for a particular subject. He also says that the word-frequency counts help teachers and course designers in several ways. (a) They can help a teacher develop a feeling about which words are useful and should be given attention and which are infrequent. (b) They can provide a principled basis for developing words list for teaching, for designing graded courses and reading texts, and for preparing vocabulary test. (c) Where frequency counts give information on range, they are also useful for developing specialized words list. Thus, the vocabulary for the junior high school students that useful is high-frequency words which have a wide range. The test is very important in order to know the students progressive and the teacher effectiveness in teaching learning process. There are several types of test that can be used to test the vocabulary size: I. Multiple choice test Cross the choice that gives the best meaning of the word A tome 1. a rough split 2. a pain in the back 16 3. a large, heavy book 4. a type of horse 2. Yes/No or checklist test Tick the words you know explore achieve _____ survive _______ environment ______ 3. Translation test Translate the underline word into your first language. A bird has two wings. 4. Matching items original private complete royal first slow not public sorry total Those types of vocabulary test have the advantages and disadvantages. According to Nation (2001:81), they are: Multiple-choice items Multiple-choice items are difficult and need more time to make it but they are very quick and easy to score if the answers are clear. The test takers performance is too dependent on the choice of distracters and they tend to guess the answer. 17 2. The Y/N or checklist items Are easy to make and score but this tent to make the test taker overestimate of their vocabulary knowledge. 3.. Translation items The translation test are easy to produce and they ask the students to perform a task which is equal to what they do when reading or listening, but the scoring can be complicated and scorer need to know the students mother tongue. 4. Matching items The matching items are quick and easy to produce but it gives the test taker an opportunity to guess whey they answer. There are several types of test to measure students vocabulary size. In choosing the suitable test type, the principles suggested by Nation (2001:345) are: 1. The test has plenty of items. 2. The test item type requires the learner to use the kind of vocabulary knowledge that wants to be tested. 3. The test is easy to make, mark, and interpret, and has good effect on the learning and teaching. After the purposes and uses of the testing have been decided, the next point to consider is what kinds of information have to be known. In this case, to know the vocabulary size of the junior high school students, the researcher gave a test used to measure their vocabulary. Considering all the types of vocabulary size tests presented above, this study used translation test as a tool to measure 18 students vocabulary size. In this test, the students are expected to translate the target words given. As Rebecca (1990: 84) stated that, Translating can be helpful strategy early in language learning, as long as it is used with care. In this test, the students are allowed to use their own language as the basis for understanding what they hear or read in the new language. Thus, the English vocabulary size ofjunior high school students will be obtained. 19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter incLudes research objective, the research methodology, the subjects of the study, target vocabulary, techniques of data collection method, and data analysis. 3.1. Research Objective The aim of this research is to find out whether the students have the adequate vocabulary size. In order to know the size of the students vocabulary knowledge, the translation test was employed. The test is intended to measure how much the junior high school students know the vocabulary they learned from their English textbooks. 3.2. Research Methodology The methodology used in this research is survey. As stated on the website available at, survey research is one of the most important areas of measurement in applied social research. The broad area of survey research encompasses any measurement procedures that involve asking questions of respondents. In survey, the samples are highly preferred a big class. Denscombe (1992:22) stated that being enhanced representative of the samples and allows greater confidence to making generalization use the large sample. 20 I 3.3. Subject of the study Subjects in this study were private Junior High School students in Jakarta. The subjects were taken from nine different private schools in Jakarta by using a purposive random sampling. The researcher took 9 schools out of 685 schools. The selection was based on their achievement in the national exam score. First, the researcher selected three private schools randomly that had the highest national exam score and classified them as high-level private schools. Then, the researcher selected another three private schools that had the average national exam score and classified them as medium-level schools. At the last, the researcher selected three private schools that had the lowest national exam score and classified them as low-level schools. One class was taken as a sample from each school. The main purpose of having high, medium, and low-level is to discover whether there is a significant difference in the achievement of the students vocabulary size learned from their textbooks. 3.4. Target Vocabulary The target vocabulary was taken from the words in English textbooks for Junior High School. Before the sample was taken, the words were edited. Function words like the, a, to, in, that were not included in the test of this kind of words; articles, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, auxiliaries, etc.- are called as function words and seen as the grammar of the language. Thus the researcher sets out to test vocabulary by focusing on the content words as the target words. 21 The target vocabularies were selected from 2235 words which are used in Junior High School English textbooks. Following Thorndike and Lorges method à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ of estimating vocabulary size as cited by Nation (1990:76), the researcher selected every tenth word of the lists after the function words were elirninated. Consequently, there are 200 words tested to the participants. 3.5. Data Collection method The translation test is employed to collect the data in order to know how many English words were known by the students. In the test, each target word was provided in the sentences which are underlined, then, the students were asked to write the meaning. in Indonesian on the answer sheet provided. The direction was also given in Indonesian. The test consisted of 200 items. Each item consisted of one short-simple sentence in English in which the target word was underlined. The students were asked to write the meaning of the underlined word into Indonesian. The translation test is as follows: VOCABULARY-SIZE TEST FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN JAKARTA Tes mi dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui banyaknya kosakata yang telah saudara kuasai berdasarkan buku bahasa Inggris yang dipakai. Setiap soal terdiri atas satu kalimat yang di dalamnya terdapat satà ¼ kata yang digaris bawahi. Tuliskan makna kata tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia pada lembar JAWABAN yang telah disediakan. Coba kerjakan tes dibawah mi! 1. She uses a dictionary to check difficult words. 2. The room is dark, 3. She gave you an example. 22 There are two points in collecting the data, here are as follows: 3.5.1. Try Out of the Instrument The pilot study was conducted to calculate the reliability and validity of the test. The try out was calculated by using the Spearman Brown Method. The try out result indicated that the reliability coefficient for translation test is 0,8 8. Thus, it can be said that the test was reliable. The following is the formula of the Spearman Brown method: N-(X)(Y) 2(rXy) r11 = (i+rXy ) Where: r = Pearson r = the sum of score in X-distribution -= the sum of score in Y-distribution >XY = the sum of the products of pairs X- and Y-scores = the sum of the squared scores in X-distribution Y2 = the sum of the squared scores in Y-distribution N = the number of paired X- and Y- scores (subjects) 23 Based on the computation, the result is 0.88, while the rt for N 20 IS 0:44. So the result of the validity and reliability is higher than the critical r. It can be concluded that the test is valid and reliable enough to be used as a test instrument. 3.5.2. Scoring Test The type of the test used in this study is the translation test. It is used to identify whether the students knew the words in the textbooks they use. Following Nurweni and Reads study on vocabulary size of Indonesian university students which also used translation test, there were four possible answers, which were acceptable, they are: I. The answers gave a meaning of the word that was in relation to the context and grammatically correct. 2. The answer which gave a meaning of the word that was in relation with the context but it was grammatically incorrect. 3. The answer gave a meaning of the target word that was not in relation with the context but it was one possible meaning of the target word and grammatically correct. 4. The answer gave a meaning that was not in relation with the context but it was one possible meaning of the target word and grammatically incorrect. 24 In this study, the four different types of answer were all accepted as correct. For example: He is pjtin the room with blue colour. The answers might be: mengecat, cat, melukis, lukis. All the answers are considered correct. Every correc

Monday, August 19, 2019

Parodies of Victorian Lifestyle Essay -- Alices Adventures in Wonderl

Parodies of Victorian Lifestyle in Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found      Ã‚     Ã‚  "It is no accident that the grotesque style in literature tends to be prevalent in eras marked by radical change and stress.   Such was the Victorian period, within which a whirl of social, economic, and religious change took place . . ." (Chang par. 2). This distorted writing can be unquestionably seen in the works of Lewis Carroll, namely his world famous pieces, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (commonly known as "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass").   In several instances throughout the Alice books, Carroll mocks Victorian lifestyle.   These parodies can be seen in Victorian growth and self-discovery, inventions, education, nutrition and drugs, and social classes.    The Victorian times were that of self-discovery and seeking order in the universe, so naturally it makes sense when Alice is not really sure of who she is.   The Caterpillar cannot accept Alice's lack of self-awareness when she states that she is unsure of whom she is.    "Who are you?" said the Caterpillar.   This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation.   Alice replied, rather shyly, "I -- I hardly know, Sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."   "What do you mean by that?" said the Caterpillar, sternly.   "Explain yourself!"   "I ca'n't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir," said Alice, "because I'm not myself you see" (Alice in Wonderland ch. 5).    Alice concurs with several different characters in her two trips to wonderland.   "As Alice learns a gre... Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." The Victorian Web (1995): four paragraphs. On-line. Internet. 18 April 2002. Available:    Voughon, Wendy. "Victorian Class Prejudices in the Alice Books." The Victorian Web (1993): one paragraph. On-line. Internet. 18 April 2002. Available:    Weber, Anya. "Food, Drink, and Public Health in the Alice Books." The Victorian Web (1995): four paragraphs. On- line. Internet. 18 April 2002. Available:    Wong, Susan. "Class in the Garden of Live Flowers" The Victorian Web (1995): four paragraphs. On- line. Internet. 18 April 2002. Available:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay on The Yellow Wallpaper, A Rose for Emily and Babylon :: Yellow Wallpaper essays

The Yellow Wallpaper, A Rose for Emily and Babylon It is amazing how differently people see the world. People from different walks of life interpret everyday experiences in different ways. This is ever so apparent when discussing the gaps that occur in stories by great authors. In The Yellow Wallpaper, a woman is being "treated" by a doctor (her husband) for a condition he refers to as anxiety. She is placed in a room, apparently one that was previously inhabited by a mental patient, and told to rest. Over the course of a few weeks the woman begins to exhibit signs of paranoia and regularly has hallucinations. Through the course of the story, the woman continuously makes reference to the yellow wallpaper. The first, and possibly the greatest, gap in the story comes when interpreting the meaning(s) behind the wallpaper. Does the color yellow infer something about insanity? The woman repeatedly refers to the patterns that the peeling wallpaper makes. Do the patterns suggest order from chaos? It is apparent, from the number of times that it is mentioned, that the wallpaper plays a role in the mental changes the woman experiences (and details her changes) throughout the story. Part way through the story, she begins seeing a woman moving behind the wallpaper, as if trying to escape it. Is she actually seeing herself in the wallpaper, as suggested by Chris Tildon, or is the hallucination what she fears she is becoming? At the end of the story, she takes on the role of the "creeping" woman and follows a smudge around the room and over her fainted husband. This supports the idea that she is the woman that has been trapped in the paper. Maybe she feels trapped and tormented by John's lack of sympathy for her condition. Another story that benefits from gaps is Babylon Revisited by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The gaps in this story are numerous, but the most important gaps involve Charlie's previous bout with Alcoholism, and his struggle to retrieve his daughter Honoria. Charlie claims to be a reformed man. However, after reading deep into the story, it is apparent that Charlie plays a role in his own downfall. Does Charlie actually try to rid himself of his past, or is he actually perpetuating it? In the story, Charlie visits his old "haunts", maintains a "one drink a day" attitude, and inadvertently brushes elbows with a couple of old drinking buddies.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Mouse movement and keyboard skills Essay

This again applied to visual basic; having used it in my standard grade course I could see the potential. Better than UniComal, I could see I could do more with it, it was more user friendly, but just not what I was looking for. 3. Using macromedia Authorware was my ideal choice. Having browsed through the software I was surprised how user friendly it was. Although I could see it was going to take a lot of time to familiarise myself with it. If time had allowed me I would certainly have tried authorware. It had seemed perfect for my application; I could include sound, a scoreboard, links were automatic and its potential was amazing 4. For time allowance and teaching I have decided to go along with this idea. My suggestion is to carry out how I would like my software to go on a Power Point presentation. This will not only allow me to have a prototype of what I initially would have liked my final piece to look like but will also show links and documentation. In Power Point I will be able to use colour, sound and graphics, out of reach in the likes of UniComal and Visual Basic. This makes it more appealing to young users. As I already have an extensive knowledge of Power Point I will only have to refresh this. However, in reference to 1. , Users will have to have access to a multimedia computer. My suggestions to go along with the fourth option are feasible as there is sufficient technology available; it is economically feasible as everything that I need as already assessable. Software Design Opening Page The opening page to my project will be a general introduction. Basically its purpose is to give the links to the activities and also to the parental page. The main characters for the whole project will first appear here. In an ideal word I would have liked for him to speak as well as the words be on the screen as children may not be able to read them. Opening Page Design 1. Show Opening Screen (Time Hold 10 Seconds) 2. Enter choice 2. 1 IF choice = Mouse Movement Open Mouse Movement IF choice = Keyboard Skills Open Keyboard Skills IF choice = Parental Information Open Parental Information END IF END IF END IF Mouse Movement The mouse movement screen will be very colourful. As it is the first activity a good impression must be made to encourage the user to continue using the software. The first screen will be Daffy Duck describing the game and telling the user what to do. This will be on a time hold for ten seconds to allow the user to read the information before automatically progressing forward. This is also beneficial as the whole point in the exercise is to learn how to use the mouse, therefore I don’t wont the user to have to click to enter the page. The following exercise would therefore be pointless if the user already knew how to do this. The screen will only move on if the correct colour is selected. If the wrong colour is selected, a try again screen will appear and a time hold will apply before moving back to the previous screen. If the correct colour is selected then a well-done screen will appear, a time hold and then a progression on to the next colour. Once all the colours have been completed a closing screen will appear. This will have a small picture of the main character and then will automatically go back to the opening page. Mouse Movement Design 1. Show Mouse Movement Screen (Time Hold 10 Seconds) 2. Show Blue screen 3. Enter choice 3. 1 IF choice = Blue Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 4. Show Yellow screen 5. Enter choice 5. 1 IF choice = Yellow Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 6. Show Red screen 7. Enter choice 7. 1 IF choice = Red Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 8. Show Green screen 9. Enter choice 9. 1 IF choice = Green Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 10. Show Pink screen 11. Enter choice 11. 1 IF choice = Pink Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 12. Show Closing screen (Time Hold 10 Seconds) 13. Show Opening Page Keyboard Skills Keyboard skills will take the same form as Mouse Movements only obviously it will describe the keyboard skills activity. The same process will take place; the screen will only move on if the correct word is typed. If the wrong word is typed, a try again screen will appear and a time hold will apply before moving back to the previous screen. If the correct word is typed then a well-done screen will appear, a time hold and then a progression on to the next word. Once all the words have been completed a closing screen will appear. This will have a small picture of the main character and then will automatically go back to the opening page. Keyboard Skills Design 1. Show Keyboard Skills Page (Time Hold 10 Seconds) 2. Show Cake Page 3. Enter word 3. 1 IF word = Cake Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 4. Show Ball page 5. Enter word 5. 1 IF word = Ball Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 6. Show Apple page 7. Enter word 7. 1 IF word = Apple Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 8. Show Telephone page 9. Enter word 9. 1 IF word = Telephone Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 10. Show Umbrella page 11. Enter word 11. 1 IF word = Umbrella Show Well Done ELSE Show Try Again (Previous page) END IF 12. Show Closing Screen (Time hold 10 seconds) 13. Show Opening Page Parental Page The parental page is a word document, basically the user guide. 1. Show Parental Page (time hold 10 seconds) 2. Open Word document â€Å"Parental Page† 3. IF closed show Opening Page END IF Project Plan The basic data flow diagram represents a logical plan for the project. Screen Demonstrations Mouse Movement opening page Mouse Movement (Yellow) Implementing and Testing Some time was spent at the beginning of the new school year looking into the project, since then, up until now this is it just being started. With only two teaching periods a week at was difficult to get the project off the ground. Initially I had plans to use Macromedia Authorware to carry out my project, but since I have been left with a mere two weeks to complete all the project and write up I have decided that a prototype presentation on Microsoft Power Point would basically â€Å"have to do†. Implementing Implementation of the solution started in mid April. Due to the time deflect shortcuts were taken to enable me to complete the project. Implementation was fairly straight forward as it merely consisted of creating the designed pages on the screen. I had big plans, and am gutted at having to reduce these for my final piece. I have a great imagination and love experimenting to see what looks and works best. I had already drawn out all my page layouts. I then basically had to enter this into the computer. I changed my design slightly and decided to have an opening page for every separate activity. I went through each activity systematically inserting slide after slide. After one activity’s slides were all designed on the computer I had to put all the links into the slides. These take the form of â€Å"Action Settings† and are available through right clicking on the object that you wish the link to go from. Sound was then recorded too using a computer microphone. This again was inserted using the action settings. The characters and pictures that appear on the screen were all uplifted from the Internet, and copy and pasted on to my presentation. All images were found from www. google. com in the image section. Link from the home page to each separate activity is going to be done through separate presentations that will be linked together. This will save confusion over one large single presentation. Once all the pages were entered and suitable images entered, sound recorded and links on; it was time to check if everything was running smoothly. Having checked the run of the presentation a few times I could see that this was indeed going to be the most difficult part of the project. As with everything nothing ever does run perfectly. My links were dysfunctional. When Well Done was displayed, instead of continuing to the next screen my presentation was jumping to Try Again then indeed stopping running at all. Due to the nature of the software, no test data as such was employed. However a dry run-through is needed from different circumstances and answers. EG correct answer chosen, wrong answer chosen, to ensure that I had fixed the presentation from wandering through unnecessary slides. Problems Encountered I have been lucky that I have not hit many major problems and although the presentation is far from finished I can see that it is a matter of following the routine I have been doing, testing as I go along so as not to have progressive mistakes. My main problem as you can tell has been time. Everything has been rather rushed. I had great plans at the beginning and was not prepared to concentrate on one area only but to try hard to do everything. This has been a disaster. For the time it has taken to write the report has left me nearly no time to neither concentrate on the actual presentation nor study for the exam. As I worked with Power Point it is fairly idiot proof any mistakes I made were easy to fix. My links will work with a little time and effort. Testing Once all link testing is complete I will a variety of users to try the software. These will include experienced computer users, older beginner users and also two five year olds (relatives). This will allow me to see how different people react to the software. Paying more attention to the five year olds I shall ask them to undertake the tasks above (1-3), to validate the criteria. There are three main questions I would ask to see if the solution is valid.